虽然Golden Penda非Panda,中国人还是把这植物称为“黄金熊猫”。
桃金壤科植物,原产澳大利亚,是澳大利亚特有的代表植物之一。 金蒲桃叶色亮绿,株形挺拔,在夏秋间开花,花期长,花簇生枝顶,金黄色,花序呈球状,是十分优良的园林绿化树种。
金蒲桃性喜温暖湿润的气候,要求光照充分环境和排水良好的土壤。在热带和亚热带地区,播种苗在2至3年内便可以开花;在温带地区生长也良好,但是开花不显著。金蒲桃繁殖容易,可采用新鲜种子发芽繁殖。 金蒲桃,桃金娘科常绿小乔木,黄金蒲桃植株高1可达5M,业有对生、互生或丛生枝顶,披针形,全缘,革质。春季至夏季开花,聚伞花序, 花丝金黄色。成年树盛花期,满树金黄,极为亮丽壮观。适宜做园景树、行道树,幼株可盆栽。栽培培土质一壤土 喝砂质壤土为佳。排水 、光照需良好。幼株生长缓慢是正常现象。春至秋季施肥每1-2个月1次,土壤保持湿润生长较旺 盛。每年春季、修剪整枝。性喜高温,生长适温约为22-32摄氏度。
Derivation of Name:
Xanthostemon...from Greek xanthos, yellow and stemon, a thread or stamen
chrysanthus...from Greek chrysos, gold and anthos, a flower, referring to the flower colour.
General Description:
The genus Xanthostemon contains approximately 45 species and is found across tropical northern Australia as well as New Caledonia, New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines. Thirteen species are found in Australia with X.chrysanthus being the best known.
Golden Penda is a medium-sized rainforest tree which may reach 20 metres in its natural environment but is usually smaller (12 metres x 10 metres spread) in cultivation. Leaves are glossy green and lance-shaped to about 150 mm long. The flowers occur in clusters near the ends of the branches and are bright yellow and very conspicuous. The stamens are the principal feature of the flowers (similar to its relatives, the eucalypts, bottlebrushres, etc). Flowering occurs in summer and autumn.
This is a very desirable garden plant for warmer climates in a sunny position in moist, well drained soils. It responds well to pruning and may be kept to large shrub proportions if pruned annually. In sub-tropical and tropical areas it flowers reliably and often within 2-3 years from seed. However, while it will grow in temperate areas, flowering is less reliable. It has been successfully flowered at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney but is not particularly vigourous there.
A selected cultivar "Expo Gold" was featured at the World Expo in 1988 in Brisbane.
Propagation is easy from fresh seed but germination may be slow. No special pre-treatment of seed is required. Cuttings are also successful using hardened, current season's growth.
Origin: This spectacular tree originates from the coastal forests of north-east coastal Queensland, and is closely related to the better known bottlebrushes and eucalypts.
Form: Golden Penda grows up to 15 metres in its natural habitat, but in cultivation it is generally much smaller. Leaves are elliptical; dark shiny green with reddish new growth. Judicious pruning will contain this tree to a large dense shrub and result in massed flowers over the canopy.
Flowering: The tree is a breathtaking sight in full bloom, which starts in late winter in north Queensland, through to autumn according to its climatic situation. The flowers form hundreds of spidery golden yellow flowers, grouped in dense spherical terminal heads up to 150mm in diameter. The blooms are very attractive to nectar feeding birds.
Availability: This plant is readily available and usually reproduced by cuttings taken from superior forms as they are more suitable, reliable, quicker to bloom and true to type. Plants from seed are variable and take much longer to produce flowers.
Special attributes: Golden Penda was selected as the theme plant for World Expo 88 in Brisbane planted en-mass in flower as small shrubs presenting as a 'Sea of Gold'. It was marketed as ‘Expo Gold’ and has been popular ever since for gardens in south-east Queensland and beyond.
Suitability: Golden Penda is proven as a hardy garden specimen with adequate protection and moisture. Copious mulching and regular feeding of slow release additives is an advantage. It is also suitable as an indoor pot plant.